The Manhattan Diaries

Manhattan Chronicles Blog

Terms & Conditions

The Ridge Publishing Group


1.1 Welcome to The Ridge Publishing Group (hereinafter, referred to as our “Site”), the digital home of The Ridge Publishing Group and its imprints: Guardians of Biblical Truth Publishing Group, Urban Chronicles Publishing House, AuthorsDoor Group, and Ethan Fox Books, owned by The Ridge Publishing Group (hereinafter, referred to as “we,” “us” or “our” as appropriate), a company established in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho (hereinafter, referred to as “RPG”).  The Ridge Publishing Group is currently available through its websites at:,,,,,, and, and blog sites at:,,,, and

1.2 These Terms & Conditions, our Privacy Policy and the other documents mentioned in them apply to your use and/or your child’s use of our Site (whether accessed through or any other channel) and any services or content made available through our Site. Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully, as they affect your rights and liabilities, and ensure you understand them, before using our Site. These Terms & Conditions govern your use of our Site. Use of our Site constitutes your agreement to be bound by and to act in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, including the Privacy Policy and when you make an online purchase, the purchase information.

1.3 You will be agreeing to these Terms & Conditions, either when you accept them at the time of creating an account or, insofar as they are applicable, by your continued use of our Site. If you do not want to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, please do not access, register, or use our Site or allow your child to do the same. If you have any questions relating to these Terms & Conditions, please feel free to contact us, in the first instance, by emailing us at [email protected].

1.4 If you are a parent or legal guardian of 18 years of age and above and provide your consent to your child’s registration with our Site, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms & Conditions in respect of your child’s use of our Site. Please also read our Child Safety Policy for details on the measures we take in relation to your child’s personal information and how we request your consent.

1.5 Like many online services, we use a feature called a cookie which is a small data file that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your device’s hard drive. Some of the types of cookies we use are necessary for the functioning of our Site. For example, we use “session cookies” to keep track of your internet session which, for instance, allows our Site to remember the list of items you select while visiting our Site. We also use other types of cookies that enable you to move around and enjoy the interactive features on our Site more easily, remember (at your request) your authentication details for subsequent visits, or allow us to view statistical data regarding traffic to our Site so that we can better develop our services by monitoring its performance. Some of the cookies we use may be sent to your device as soon as you visit our Site homepage. None of the cookies used by our Site collect any personally identifiable information about you. By agreeing to these Terms & Conditions, you are providing your consent for us to use cookies in these ways. For further details about the cookies we use, please see the section “Cookies” in our Privacy Policy.

1.6 Please note that additional terms may apply in respect of particular services or activities being offered on or via our Site (for example, promotions, contests, etc.). In such circumstances, we will post those terms in connection with the applicable service/activity and these will apply to your use and/or participation in such service or activity. Any such terms are in addition to these Terms & Conditions. In the event of a conflict, such additional terms will prevail over these Terms & Conditions.

If you are under thirteen, please ask your parents or legal guardian to register or exit this Site.


2.1 We provide a platform allowing users of all ages to explore the Ethan Fox Books stories and share their comments and inspirations about the world of Ethan Fox Books as part of our Site community. Users can enjoy features based around the Ethan Fox Books, books, KidsStagramCLUB activities, play Games (as defined in paragraph 3.4 below), and take part in our Site community by posting messages and uploading pictures inspired by the Ethan Fox Books series. Users can share their activities on our Site with other registrants on our Site.


3.1 We make our Site available for users of all ages. However, users under the age of 18 (hereinafter, referred to as “Minors”) must take certain steps and users under 13, further steps, before they can access our Site (see paragraph 4, Minors including users under 13 years of age).

3.2 You will need an internet connection and a browser to access the pages on our Site and to use the features we provide. Please feel free to contact us by emailing us at [email protected], for further details about the operating environment necessary for your full enjoyment of our Site.

3.3 You can access our Site homepage and general information pages such as these Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy without creating an account.

3.4 If you wish to access any interactive features available on our Site, for example, to post a message or picture on our Site or participate in any games available on our Site (hereinafter, referred to as “Games”), you must first create a KidsStagramCLUB Account.

3.5 During the process of creating a KidsStagramCLUB Account, you will be asked to register in order for you to access our Site. You may not transfer or allow another person to access an account created by you. We have put in place a number of procedures for children to safely access and use our Site (see our Child Safety Policy for further information). In order to ensure that these safeguards are effective, please do not allow your child to use your account or account details. If you would like to register a KidsStagramCLUB Account for your child, please help them create their own account by following these procedures.

3.6 You must ensure that all the information you provide when you create a KidsStagramCLUB Account is true, accurate, current, and complete in all respects.

3.7 You must notify us promptly of any change to any information you have previously given to us by updating your information in the Account Setting pages available for the KidsStagramCLUB Account.

3.8 Your KidsStagramCLUB Account is for your personal use only. Please do not share your account details with any other person as you will be held responsible for all activities that occur under your account with or without your knowledge. By creating an account on our Site, you confirm that you will treat your account details as confidential. If you have any concerns regarding your account details or become aware of any misuse then, please feel free to contact us, in the first instance, by emailing us at [email protected] to find out what to do.


For all minors:

4.1 The safety and privacy of Minors is important to us. If you are a parent or legal guardian, please read these Terms & Conditions carefully together with our Privacy Policy and Child Safety Policy for details on the measures we take in relation to your child’s personal information.

4.2 If you are a Minor, you must check with a parent or legal guardian before you register that they give you permission to use our Site and you should review these Terms & Conditions with them to make sure that you and your parent or legal guardian understand them. Your parent or legal guardian may revoke their consent for you to use our Site at any time.

4.3 We will remove access to your KidsStagramCLUB Account if your parent has expressly refused or revoked their consent for you to use our Site. If we do so then you may not continue to use your account, create another account or access or use our Site by any other means unless your parent or legal guardian provides their consent again or until you are no longer a Minor. We may withdraw or terminate your access to our Site for any other reason at our sole discretion. Please see further paragraph 8.2, Misuse of our Site, for further details.

For users under the age of 13 only:

4.4 Your parent or legal guardian must give you permission in order to access and use your KidsStagramCLUB Account. When creating your account, we will ask you to provide your parent or legal guardian’s email address and request that they accept these Terms & Conditions on your behalf and confirm to us that you are allowed to use our Site.

4.5 You will be allowed to create a KidsStagramCLUB Account, but you will not be able to access and use our Site until your parent or legal guardian completes the registration process within 48 hours of you creating your KidsStagramCLUB Account. If we do not receive confirmation from your parent or legal guardian allowing you to use our Site, or if that permission is expressly refused, we will delete your KidsStagramCLUB Account and your personal information.

4.6 If we do so you may not create another account or access our Site or use our Site by any other means until we receive such consent or until you are at least 13 years of age.


5.1 The following rules apply to your use of the community features contained on our Site.

The rules of our Site community:

5.2 Any content which you and other users post or contribute to our Site using its community features is generally known as “user generated content” or “UGC” for short. Paragraphs 5.4 to 5.8 below set out the rules for contributing content, how we and other users may use your UGC and how you can use their UGC. Your UGC includes any nicknames you may use to label our other Site users who are your friends (hereinafter, referred to as “Nicknames”). Any Nicknames you create will only be visible to you and will not be disclosed to any other user including the friends that you have labelled.

5.3 Obviously, we positively encourage users to make full use of our Site and in particular participate in our Site community. However, to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable and satisfying experience, we require that you abide by the guidelines set out in these rules. Child safety is a paramount concern to us. While our moderators will have regard to these rules, their decision (for example, as to removal of an UGC) will be final.

5.4 You agree to ensure that:

5.4.1 any content that you post or upload (including Nicknames) and any other message you send to a user via the prescribed forms available on our Site (hereinafter, referred to as “User Messages”), do not contain any personal information about you or any other person. This includes any information that could potentially identify an individual such as their surname, date of birth, email or home address, information about their family or other contact information;

5.4.2 you only contribute posts that are no longer than 280 characters and upload files that only contain pictures, text, illustrations, diagrams or drawings;

5.4.3 any text you post is in one language only, the English language;

5.4.4 all information provided by you via our Site is accurate, true and up to date in all respects and at all times and is not misleading in any way;

5.4.5 all content posted by you is lawful and not defamatory, abusive, threatening, harassing, obscene, discriminatory, likely to cause distress, intended to incite hatred or otherwise objectionable or embarrassing to any other person as determined by us in our sole discretion;

5.4.6 after receiving a warning, you do not continue to post or transmit comments that are not related to the subject matter of the page on which the comments are being posted;

5.4.7 you will use our Site and any information and content obtained from it lawfully and only for the purposes for which it has been provided and in accordance with these Terms & Conditions;

5.4.8 when sending any User Messages, you have first checked with the intended recipient(s) that they consent to receiving them;

5.4.9 you will not harass or mislead or act unlawfully towards any person that you have contacted via our Site;

5.4.10 you will cease to contact anyone that you have contacted via our Site immediately if they request you do so; and

5.4.11 any content you upload is not in breach of any copyright and in the case of any content that you do not own, you have permission from the copyright owner to use and to permit its use as contemplated by these Terms & Conditions and by any third parties our Site may authorize under these Terms & Conditions. In the case of content owned by Minors, you will need to obtain such permission from their parents or legal guardian.

5.5 You may not:

5.5.1 distribute or post any links including links to websites, files or links that open or run programs;

5.5.2 distribute or post any messages in relation to a dispute about any decision we make concerning your conduct under these Terms & Conditions;

5.5.3 distribute or post spam, in particular by sending unsolicited marketing messages or User Messages to anyone, or distribute or post chain letters, or pyramid schemes;

5.5.4 distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm our Site or the interests of any users of our Site or otherwise interfere with or disrupt our servers;

5.5.5 post or transmit any advertisements for, or solicitations of, business;

5.5.6 except as permitted under these Terms & Conditions, copy, modify, or distribute our content or trademarks from our Site, our Site users’ copyright material and trademarks or any content or trademarks owned by a third party including our commercial partners (hereinafter, referred to as “Partners”) unless you have their explicit permission;

5.5.7 impersonate another Site user or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;

5.5.8 allow any other person or entity to use your account details or account for posting or viewing comments or for communicating with our other Site users;

5.5.9 continue to use our Site if you have been suspended or your account terminated, including where access to our Site has been removed following the refusal or revocation of consent by a parent or legal guardian for users under 13 years of age;

5.5.10 make, negotiate or enter into any arrangements or agreements through our Site; or

5.5.11 engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits any other persons from using or enjoying our Site or which, in our judgment, exposes us to any liability or detriment of any type.

Content you post or upload:

5.6 By posting or uploading any content to our Site, whether text or pictures or otherwise, you are promising to us and to other users that: (i) you either own any copyright in that content or that you have obtained the necessary right(s) to make the content available through our Site in accordance with these Terms & Conditions and permit its use via our Site, in our Site content, blogs, newsletters, and downloads, and by any third parties we authorize (whether our Partners or otherwise) and that such permissions are freely available on demand by us should we require; and (ii) you will not be infringing on anyone’s rights or breaching any law or regulation (including data protection and privacy laws), by contributing that content and by allowing it to be used in the ways described in these Terms & Conditions.

Who can use your UGC and how they can use it:

5.7 When you contribute UGC to our Site:

5.7.1 you are granting us and any third parties we authorize including our Partners unlimited, non-terminable and free permission (including the right to sub-license that permission) to use, re-use, copy, adapt, abridge, amend, distribute, modify, translate, publish, perform, display, develop, reproduce, communicate to the public and to make your UGC otherwise available in any form and/or by any media (whether now known or hereafter devised), including through any on-demand or broadcast service, whether on a commercial or non-commercial basis anywhere in the world. By way of example only, this will include permission to; make all or any part of your UGC available through our Site to other users of our Site; include certain UGC in our Site content, blogs, newsletters, and downloads; and allow any third parties authorized by us including our Partners to reproduce, display, publish, communicate, perform and/or embed our Site activity and content on their platforms, including their websites and applications.

5.7.2 you are granting to every other user of our Site unlimited, non-terminable and free permission to use all or any part of your UGC on the same terms as you are permitted to use their UGC as described in the paragraph below titled, Your permitted use of UGC on our Site.

Your permitted use of UGC on our Site:

5.8 You may view any UGC posted to our Site on screen, download any such content onto your hardware device to view later or print one copy of any such content for non-commercial purposes only; provided that:

5.8.1 you only make non-commercial use of it;

5.8.2 you do not edit the content; and

5.8.3 you keep all copyright and proprietary notices contained within the content intact.

Monitoring your UGC:

5.9 Before permitting any contribution to appear or otherwise be disclosed on our Site, we reserve the right to review the contributions, including posts and uploads, made by users to our Site to remove any material that breaches the rules set out in these Terms & Conditions. Any postings or uploads on our Site do not constitute any form of recommendation, representation, endorsement or arrangement by us. We do make efforts to prevent unlawful or otherwise inappropriate material from appearing on our Site by removing such material before it appears on our Site. However, we cannot guarantee that all such material is removed from every post and upload. In particular we have no control over and are not responsible for the truth or accuracy of any content and we are not responsible for verifying the ownership of any content posted or uploaded onto our Site.

5.10 Please note that any information posted via the functionality available on our Site is the opinion of the person posting or sending only and does not necessarily reflect our opinions or attitudes. Although we have rules for the posting and uploading of content, our interactive features may be misused and sometimes content can still be posted that is misleading, deceptive, or indeed completely wrong. You should not therefore rely on information being accurate or complete. You accept that if you do rely on the information posted or uploaded, you do so at your own risk.

5.11 To be clear, each user, acts on his/her own behalf at all times and does not act as our representative or agent in any way. We do not endorse nor are we responsible for any of the actions of any Site user.


6.1 You will have the opportunity to discover virtual currency (hereinafter, referred to as “Bonus Reward Dollars”) as you progress through the entertainment experiences and features available on our Site — you’ll progress through the four worlds of the Chrysalis universe: Zephyr (yellow), Hades (red), Ceres (green), and Atlantis (blue); collecting the four KidsStagramCLUB Gold Cards along the way. Each card earned, places Bonus Reward Dollars in your KidsStagramCLUB Account, to put toward future purchases at one of the three Ethan Fox Shops: Bookstore, KidsStagramCLUB, or Shop by World. Collect all four KidsStagramCLUB Gold Cards to receive the KidsStagramCLUB Black Card, to earn even more Bonus Reward Dollars.

6.2 You will automatically receive a certain number of Bonus Reward Dollars when you join the KidsStagramCLUB and create a KidsStagramCLUB Account.

6.3 You will be able to earn certain other points through your experiences on our Site (hereinafter, referred to as “World Points”) for your “World(s).” For example, we will award World Points as a result of your participation — in each of the four worlds of the Chrysalis universe — in our KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games. Each ten (10) World Points you accumulate, you will be able to convert those 10 points into one (1) Bonus Reward Dollar ($1.00), which again, can be spent at the Ethan Fox Shops. You can also collect World Points by exploring and discovering them in the chapters in the Ethan Fox Books series. We may provide additional ways of collecting World Points from time to time.

6.4 KidsStagramCLUB Bonus Reward Dollars and World Points do not hold or represent any monetary value and you may not offer, exchange or promise to offer or exchange (with our Site users or any other person(s)) or use Bonus Reward Dollars or World Points in any manner except for as permitted by us under these Terms & Conditions. If anyone approaches you with respect to any arrangement regarding KidsStagramCLUB Bonus Reward Dollars or World Points, whether on our Site or elsewhere, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] in the first instance to find out what to do.

6.5 We may choose not to provide or add/remove Bonus Reward Dollars and World Points from your KidsStagramCLUB Account solely at our discretion. If we terminate your account for any reason, you will lose any Bonus Reward Dollars and World Points that you have collected.


7.1 We grant you a limited license to use the KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games available on our Site for personal and non-commercial purposes only. You may not make copies of or distribute the KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games or electronically transfer the KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games from one computer to another or over a network, nor may you separate any content from an associated KidsStagramCLUB Activity or Game.

7.2 You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the KidsStagramCLUB Activity or Game to human perceivable form. You may not rent, lease or sub-license any KidsStagramCLUB Activities or Games. You may not create derivative works of the KidsStagramCLUB Activities or Games and you may not export the KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games in violation of any law, rule or regulation. We reserve all rights in the KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games not specifically granted to you under these Terms & Conditions.

7.3 You may not make, use or distribute screenshots of any KidsStagramCLUB Activity or Game without our express permission to do so.

7.4 Certain KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games may be subject to further terms of use not set out in these Terms & Conditions but which you will be required to accept if you wish to continue to participate or play.

7.5 We hope you enjoy the KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games we provide on our Site. However, please ensure that you take regular breaks from participating in these activities and playing these games and from using your computer generally. If you experience any discomfort, symptoms or any other adverse physical effects during or after your use of our Site, including the KidsStagramCLUB Activities and Games, please cease using our Site immediately and seek professional medical advice.

7.6 We may terminate your use of or access to any KidsStagramCLUB Activity or Game at any time in our sole discretion.


8.1 We monitor the content on our Site, however, please inform us if you spot any abusive content or inappropriate behavior. If any content makes you feel threatened, damaged or abused in our Site community or if you believe any content on our Site infringes your rights or the rules in these Terms & Conditions, please contact us by using the Contact Us link on our website as appropriate. If you have any other serious concerns about activity on our Site, please contact us at [email protected], in the first instance.

8.2 We reserve the right (but we are not obliged) to do any or all of the following for all users of any age including users who are Minors:

8.2.1 record the content (including any communications) posted or uploaded via our Site, our Site community or in our communication systems;

8.2.2 investigate a claim that any one or more items of content do not conform to the terms of paragraph 5 (ABOUT CONTENT YOU AND OTHER USERS PROVIDE TO OUR SITE) and determine in our sole discretion to remove or request the removal of the content;

8.2.3 remove without notice any content that contains personal information relating to any person or that is abusive, illegal, or disruptive, or that otherwise fails to conform with these Terms & Conditions whether before or after such content is disclosed on our Site;

8.2.4 monitor, edit, or disclose any content;

8.2.5 edit or remove any content posted, uploaded or submitted by a user to appear on our Site, regardless of whether such content breaches these Terms & Conditions; or

8.2.6 suspend or terminate your access to our Site for any reason (including for repeat copyright infringement) and at our sole discretion.

8.3 If you disagree with a decision made by us, please contact us at [email protected], in the first instance. You must not use our Site community facilities to dispute or argue about any decision we make.

8.4 Any decision we make to remove or request the removal of any content or to terminate or suspend the account of any individual shall be final and binding. The termination or suspension of an account shall apply to any and all user accounts that may have been used by that individual whether or not opened by that individual.

8.5 You agree that any unauthorized use of our Site, content materials and intellectual property or any fraudulent, abusive or otherwise illegal activity shall be grounds for termination of your right to access, browse and use our Site.  RPG reserves the right to terminate your access to our Site and its content and use at any time, with or without notice at our discretion.


Disclosing personal information: 

9.1 Please be careful when using our Site and/or any community facilities that you do not reveal any personal information including your contact details, your surname and date of birth or where you live.

Our Privacy Policy

9.2 We take your privacy very seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how the personal information that you provide to us is dealt with.


10.1 We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Site and delete your account and any personal information, including user generated content, associated with your account if there is no activity on your account for more than six (6) consecutive months.


Linking from

11.1 You acknowledge that our Site may include links to third party websites. We do not review these third-party websites nor have any control over them, and we are not responsible for these websites or their content or availability.

11.2 We do not therefore endorse or make any representations about them, or any content found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them.

11.3 If you decide to access any of these third-party websites, you do so entirely at your own risk.

11.4 If you use a linked site, any personal information you give them will be dealt with in line with their privacy policy, not ours, so please ensure that you read their terms and conditions and privacy policy before you use their websites and provide any personal information.

Linking to

11.5 You may only link to our Site homepage which is located at and provided: (i) the homepage is not loaded into frames on your website, unless we otherwise expressly agree; and (ii) your site or service does not misrepresent its relationship with us or present false information about us.

11.6 We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission at any time without prior notice.


12.1 All of the content on our Site is owned by (and all copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights in that content shall at all times remain vested in) us or our licensors and is protected by United States copyright, trademark and/or other intellectual property rights laws and international treaty. RPG owns all rights, title and interest in these materials and to this Site or has a valid right from a third party to use the material on this Site.  Such materials include, but are not limited to, the photographs, images, icons, illustrations, text, information, charts, indices, reports, data, multimedia (graphic, audio and video), designs, graphics, logos, domain names, trademarks, trade dress and other materials contained in this Site, as well as the software, HTML code and screens used in the design and development of this Site.  All rights are reserved, worldwide.


12.3 The Ridge Publishing Group, Publisher and Her World, AuthorsDoor Group, Authors Red Door, Rags to Riches Entertainment, Jesus Says, Ethan Fox Books, Chrysalis Chronicles, KidsStagramCLUB, KidsStagram, and Ethan Fox Books characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and copyrights of The Ridge Publishing Group. All rights reserved.

12.4 The name and house mark THE RIDGE PUBLISHING GROUP together with THE RIDGE PUBLISHING GROUP logo, PUBLISHER AND HER WORLD together with PUBLISHER AND HER WORLD logo, AUTHORS DOOR GROUP together with the AUTHORS DOOR GROUP logo, AUTHORS RED DOOR together with AUTHORS RED DOOR logo, RAGS TO RICHES ENTERTAINMENT together with the RAGS TO RICHES ENTERTAINMENT logo, JESUS SAYS together with JESUS SAYS logo, ETHAN FOX BOOKS together with the ETHAN FOX BOOKS logo, KIDSSTAGRAM together with the KIDSSTAGRAM logo, and all other RPG related marks depicted in this Site, whether registered or unregistered, are trademarks or service marks of RPG.

12.5 Our content includes any information or other material found on or via our Site, including text, databases, graphics, software and all other features on our Site. For all content, KidsStagramCLUB Members may download any individual page on our Site onto one hardware device or print one copy of such page or view any video or images provided that this use is non-commercial, and you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices and do not edit the same. Apart from that, none of our content may be republished, posted, transmitted, stored, sold, distributed or modified without our prior written consent.

12.6 The materials contained on our Site are displayed for informational and promotional purposes only, for all non-KidsStagramCLUB Members (hereinafter, referred to as “Users.”)  Users are granted permission to browse and use our Site for its intended purpose, which is for your retail use only as a consumer.  No part of our Site may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, displayed, removed, deleted, added to, otherwise modified, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of, our Site, any of the materials on our Site, or any related software in any manner whatsoever, except for viewing purposes, without the prior written consent of RPG.

12.7 No permission is given in respect of the use of any of these brands or marks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder’s rights.


13.1 You acknowledge that you may need to download and activate certain software to use certain content provided and sold on our Site. This software will be clearly identified on our Site.

13.2 In order to use such third-party software or technology you will have to explicitly accept the terms of a license agreement with that third party. You acknowledge that we have no responsibility or control over such third-party software.


14.1 We promise that we will operate our Site with reasonable skill and care and that we will use our reasonable endeavors to correct any faults of which we are aware. We do not make any promises about the availability of our Site or any services made available through it. In particular, we disclaim any liability in connection with any technical problems you may experience with our Site which may result in interruptions to our Site or the service it delivers, or any bugs or viruses in our Site website or any other platform that our Site is delivered through, the server that makes our Site available or the content made available through our Site. It is your responsibility to implement satisfactory safeguards and procedures to make sure any files you obtain through our Site are free from such contaminations or other harmful properties. Subject to the following, the promises contained in this paragraph are in place of all warranties or conditions implied by law.

14.2 Subject to paragraph 14.4, if we fail to comply with these Terms & Conditions, we shall only be liable to you for an amount not exceeding $100.00.


14.4 Nothing in these Terms & Conditions will restrict our liability in respect of your statutory rights, for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or for any other liability that cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.

14.5 Occasionally we are unable to perform our obligations under these Terms & Conditions due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control. In such circumstances including, but not limited to, fire, flood and other acts of God, strikes, trade disputes, lock outs, restrictions of imports or exports, riot, accident, disruption to energy supplies, civil commotion, acts of terrorism or war, our inability or delay in performing our obligations will not be deemed to be in breach of contract.

14.6 Neither RPG, nor any party representing RPG in creating, presenting or otherwise affiliated with OUR Site are liable for any actual, direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages, or any other damages whatsoever, even if RPG has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), or any other legal theory, arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use, or performance of the information, products and materials on OUR Site.  The exclusions stated in this paragraph also apply to RPG’s suppliers.

14.7 The laws of some jurisdictions do not permit waivers of certain limitations of liability, so portions of the above limitations of liability may not apply to you.  In the event RPG cannot waive any limitation of liability, the duration and scope of such limitation of liability will be the minimum permitted under applicable law.


15.1 RPG does not represent or warrant that the information contained ON OUR Site is accurate, complete or UP TO DATE, that OUR Site is free of defects or that any defects will be remedied.  You agree, by using OUR Site, that your use of OUR Site is at your sole risk, that you assume full responsibility for all loss of use, loss of data and costs associated with all necessary servicing or repairs of any equipment and/or software that you use in connection with OUR Site, and that RPG shall not be responsible or liable for any damages of any kind whatsoever arising out of, caused by or related to your use of OUR Site.

15.2 The information, services, products offered for sale and materials contained in and/or advertised on OUR Site, including, without limitation, text, graphics and links, are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.  RPG and its affiliates, agents and licensors makes no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of title or freedom from malicious programs (such as viruses, worms or Trojan horses) or non-infringement or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to OUR Site or its contents and expressly disclaims any representations and warranties.

15.3 The laws of some jurisdictions do not permit waivers of certain warranties, so portions of the above disclaimers may not apply to you.  In the event RPG cannot waive any warranty, the duration and scope of such warranty will be the minimum permitted under applicable law.


16.1 You agree to only use our Site in accordance with these Terms & Conditions. You agree that you will compensate us (and our employees, agents and suppliers) in full for any damages, losses, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees we incur that arise out of any breach by you of these Terms & Conditions or any liability we incur as a result of your use of our Site and/or any other service we provide by any other person using your account details.

16.2 You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless RPG, its affiliates and their officers, directors, employees and shareholders from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees and court costs, arising from or related to your use of our Site.  RPG may also participate in the defense of a claim at its option and its own expense.  You shall not, without the prior written consent of RPG, effect any settlement or compromise of a claim in which RPG is a party, unless such settlement or compromise includes an unconditional release of RPG from all liability.


RPG takes all possible steps to ensure the accuracy of the information included on our Site.  However, RPG takes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of our Site.  Information provided on our Site is subject to change at any time without prior notice.


Our Site, excluding links, is created, owned, operated and controlled by RPG in the United States of America.  At this time, materials, products and services on our Site will be delivered or made available only in the 50 United States.  Access to our Site from locations where its use or content is illegal is prohibited.  Visitors to our Site are responsible for their own compliance with the local laws regarding Site use and access.


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Last updated 05 January 2024

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Manhattan Chronicles

L. A. Moeszinger


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