The Manhattan Diaries

Manhattan Chronicles Blog

Comprehensive Digital Communications Policy

The Ridge Publishing Group


1.1 Welcome to The Ridge Publishing Group, the digital home of The Ridge Publishing Group and its imprints: Guardians of Biblical Truth Publishing Group, Urban Chronicles Publishing House, AuthorsDoor Group, and Ethan Fox Books, owned by The Ridge Publishing Group (hereinafter, referred to as “we,” “us” or “our” as appropriate), a company established in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (hereinafter, referred to as “RPG”). The Ridge Publishing Group is currently available through its websites at:,,,,,, and, and blog sites at:,,,, and

1.2 The Ridge Publishing Group is committed to maintaining a transparent, secure, and respectful digital environment for all our stakeholders. This comprehensive document integrates our Email Usage Policy, Outbound Link Policy, Anti-Spam Policy, and Disclaimer Policy to provide you with a clear understanding of our practices and your responsibilities when interacting with our digital platforms. By using our websites, blog sites, engaging with our email communications, or following outbound links provided by The Ridge Publishing Group, you agree to the terms outlined in this document.

Effective Date: January 7, 2024


2.1 Introduction. This Email Usage Policy is designed to guide The Ridge Publishing Group’s employees, contractors, volunteers, and any other individuals with authorized access to our email system, ensuring the responsible and secure use of email as a communication tool. By adhering to this policy, we aim to minimize risks, including unauthorized data access, loss of confidential information, and legal or reputational damage to our organization.

2.2 Purpose of the Email System. The Ridge Publishing Group’s email system is provided as a professional tool to facilitate business communication, enhance productivity, and support our organizational operations. It should be used primarily for business-related purposes, although incidental and reasonable personal use is permitted, provided it does not interfere with work responsibilities or violate this policy.

2.3 Privacy and Confidentiality. While The Ridge Publishing Group respects the privacy of its email users, it is important to note that the email system is the property of the organization and is intended for business purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy regarding their use of the organization’s email system. The organization reserves the right to monitor, access, retrieve, and disclose communications for any legitimate purpose, including ensuring policy compliance and security.

2.4 Acceptable Use Guidelines. Emails should be concise, professional, and convey respect for the reader. Users should avoid slang, jargon, and inappropriate language. Email users are expected to verify the accuracy of important communications by reviewing content for grammatical errors and factual accuracy before sending. All email communications should reflect the professional standards and reputation of The Ridge Publishing Group.

2.5 Prohibited Activities. Users must not engage in the transmission of proprietary, confidential, or sensitive information without proper authorizations and security measures. The system must not be used for the creation or distribution of any disruptive or offensive messages, including but not limited to messages containing sexual comments or images, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, or any other comment that offensively addresses someone’s age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disability. The unauthorized use of the email system for commercial purposes or personal gain is strictly prohibited.

2.6 Email Retention and Archiving. Users are required to manage their email accounts in compliance with The Ridge Publishing Group’s data retention policy. This includes the regular review and purging of non-essential emails and the proper archiving of important communications. Specific guidelines for email retention will be periodically reviewed and communicated to all users, ensuring compliance with legal and operational requirements.

2.7 Security and Data Protection. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their email accounts, including safeguarding passwords and other access credentials. Immediate reporting of any suspected security breach or unusual activity within the email system is mandatory to prevent unauthorized access and data loss.

2.8 Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. The Ridge Publishing Group will regularly monitor compliance with this email policy. Any detected violations may result in a range of consequences, from warnings to disciplinary action, including termination of employment or legal action, depending on the severity of the breach. Users found to have intentionally violated this policy may be subject to additional scrutiny or restrictions regarding their use of the email system.

2.9 Policy Review and Modification. This Email Usage Policy is subject to change at the discretion of The Ridge Publishing Group and may be amended to reflect new legal, technical, or operational developments. All amendments will be communicated to users, and continued use of the email system will constitute acceptance of the revised policy.

For any inquiries, clarifications, or reports of policy violations, please contact [email protected].


3.1 Introduction: The Ridge Publishing Group recognizes the importance of maintaining clear, respectful, and lawful online communications. Our commitment to integrity and respect extends to how we handle email communications and other messaging practices. This comprehensive Anti-Spam Policy underscores our dedication to upholding and promoting email best practices, ensuring compliance with all applicable anti-spam regulations, and fostering positive online engagements.

3.2 Definition and Understanding of Spam: In the context of this policy, “spam” refers to unsolicited, often repetitive, messages sent over the internet, primarily to a large number of users, for purposes ranging from advertising to phishing. These messages are not only a nuisance but also a potential threat to privacy and security.

3.3 Core Principles:

3.3.1 Consent: We only send emails and other electronic messages to recipients who have explicitly agreed to receive such communications from us. We respect the wishes of all individuals by providing clear options to express consent, whether through opt-in mechanisms or other forms of affirmative action.

3.3.2 Identification: Our messages clearly identify The Ridge Publishing Group and or its imprints as the sender. We ensure transparency by providing valid contact information and details about our organization, allowing recipients to authenticate the source of the communication.

3.3.3 Relevance and Context: We are committed to ensuring that our communications are relevant, useful, and appropriate to the intended audience, providing value and respecting the context in which they were permitted.

3.4 Detailed Policies and Procedures:

3.4.1 Acquiring Consent: The Ridge Publishing Group adopts rigorous procedures to obtain and document consent from individuals before including them in our mailing lists. Our methods comply with legal standards, ensuring that consent is informed, voluntary, and revocable at any time.

3.4.2 Message Content: Every electronic message we send is constructed with care, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and appropriateness. We provide recipients with clear information about the purpose of the message and any actions they might be expected to take.

3.4.3 Opt-Out Mechanism: Our communications feature a straightforward and reliable method for recipients to opt-out or unsubscribe from future messages. This mechanism is easy to use and promptly honored to respect recipient preferences.

3.4.4 Handling Complaints and Reports of Spam: We take complaints about spam very seriously. The Ridge Publishing Group has established channels and procedures for individuals to report unsolicited messages they suspect to be spam. Upon receiving such reports, we conduct thorough investigations and take appropriate corrective action.

3.4.5 Training and Awareness: The Ridge Publishing Group is committed to educating our staff and affiliates about the importance of anti-spam compliance. Regular training programs and updates on policy changes are conducted to ensure everyone is informed and aligned with our anti-spam practices.

3.5 Enforcement and Compliance: The Ridge Publishing Group actively monitors compliance with this policy. Violations of our anti-spam policy are met with strict consequences, which may include disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or contractual relationships, legal action, and/or fines.

3.6 Changes to the Policy: This Anti-Spam Policy is dynamic and may be updated or revised periodically to reflect changes in regulatory requirements, industry standards, or organizational practices. We will notify stakeholders of significant changes and encourage regular review of this policy.

For further information about our Anti-Spam Policy, to lodge a complaint, or to seek clarification on our messaging practices, please reach out to us at: [email protected].


4.1 Introduction. The Ridge Publishing Group values the trust our users place in us when they access our website and its content. This Outbound Link Policy is intended to establish clear guidelines and understandings regarding the nature, purpose, and implications of outbound links (hyperlinks leading to external websites) that are present on our websites and blog sites. Our goal is to provide additional value through these links while ensuring transparency and safeguarding our users’ online experience.

4.2 Purpose of Outbound Links

4.2.1 Enhancing Information and User Experience: Our website includes outbound links to provide users with direct access to additional, relevant information, thereby enhancing their overall experience and understanding of the discussed topics.

4.2.2 Reference and Credibility: We provide links to sources as citations to offer transparency about the origin of our information and to acknowledge the contributions of others in our content creation process.

4.2.3 Partnerships and Collaboration: Some outbound links may relate to our partnerships with other organizations or businesses, aiming to offer integrated services or information.

4.3 Guidelines for Outbound Links

4.3.1 Selection of Linked Sites: We strive to link to websites that are credible, relevant, and provide valuable information. However, we cannot guarantee the content accuracy, privacy policies, or security of external websites.

4.3.2 User Discretion Advised: Users should exercise caution and judgment while visiting external sites. The Ridge Publishing Group is not responsible for the content or practices of any linked external websites, and a link does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation.

4.3.3 Link Maintenance: We regularly review our outbound links for relevance, accuracy, and appropriateness. However, the dynamic nature of the internet means that web content can change rapidly, and we may not always capture these changes immediately.

4.4 User Responsibilities

4.4.1 Awareness: Users should be aware that when they click on an outbound link, they will be leaving The Ridge Publishing Group’s website. It is crucial to read and understand the privacy policies and terms of service of external sites.

4.4.2 Security: Users are responsible for taking the necessary precautions to protect themselves from malware, viruses, or other potential online threats when accessing external websites.

4.5 Link Removal Requests: If you believe that The Ridge Publishing Group should not link to a particular site for reasons of inaccuracy, inappropriateness, or any other pertinent concern, please contact us at [email protected]. We will review such requests with due diligence and take appropriate action.

4.6 Amendments to the Policy: The Ridge Publishing Group reserves the right to amend this Outbound Link Policy at any time without notice. Users are encouraged to review the policy periodically to stay informed of any changes.

For questions or comments regarding our Outbound Link Policy, please contact us at [email protected].


5.1 Introduction: The Ridge Publishing Group prides itself on delivering high-quality content that informs, educates, and entertains a diverse audience. This comprehensive Disclaimer Policy is designed to articulate the scope of our responsibilities and the limitations of our liability to our readers, users, contributors, and partners. It applies to all content, services, and products available through our publications, websites, blog sites, and affiliated platforms.

5.2 General Content Disclaimer: The information provided by The Ridge Publishing Group across various media, including books, workbooks, textbooks, journals, websites, blog sites, and other digital platforms, is for general informational and educational purposes only. We endeavor to provide valuable and accurate content; however, we do not guarantee the veracity, reliability, or completeness of any information published.

5.3 Accuracy of Information

5.3.1 Due Diligence: Our editorial team takes significant care in researching, curating, and reviewing content before publication. Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that all information is free from errors, omissions, or outdated facts.

5.3.2 Corrections and Updates: We commit to addressing any inaccuracies, errors, or misleading information as soon as they are identified. However, The Ridge Publishing Group assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in any content or for any actions taken in reliance on such content.

5.4 External Links and Third-Party Content

5.4.1 Linking Policy: Our publications and digital content may include links to external websites. These links are provided to offer additional context, source verification, or further reading. However, they should not be interpreted as endorsements of the external content, websites, or their operators.

5.4.2 Third-Party Information: The Ridge Publishing Group disclaims all liability associated with the reliance on third-party content or websites. Users are advised to verify the accuracy and relevance of such information independently.

5.5 Intellectual Property Rights

5.5.1 Copyright and Trademarks: All content published by The Ridge Publishing Group and its imprints is the intellectual property of the organization or its content providers. This content is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of our content without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.

5.5.2 User-Generated Content: In cases where our platforms host user-generated content, the responsibility for the accuracy, legality, and appropriateness of such content lies solely with the individual contributors.

5.6 Professional Advice Disclaimer: The content provided by The Ridge Publishing Group, particularly in fields requiring professional licensure, is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the guidance of qualified professionals with any questions you may have regarding a specific professional field.

5.7 Limitation of Liability: In no event shall The Ridge Publishing Group, its officers, directors, employees, partners, or agents be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with your access to our use of or inability to access or use our content, products, or services.

5.8 Policy Modifications and Updates: This Disclaimer Policy is dynamic and will be updated periodically to reflect changes in our operations, the evolving digital landscape, or legal requirements. We encourage readers and users to review this policy regularly to stay informed about their rights and our obligations.

For any inquiries, clarifications, or concerns regarding our Disclaimer Policy, please reach out to us at: [email protected].

We are committed to ensuring transparency and clarity in our communication and value your trust and engagement with our content.


6.1 The Ridge Publishing Group is headquartered in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, whose company details are as follows:

The Ridge Publishing Group
Business Division
P.O. Box 549
Coeur D’Alene, Idaho 83816

6.2 This is not an address to which you should send inquiries or complaints about The Ridge Publishing Group. If you have an inquiry or complaint, please contact us by emailing us at [email protected].


7.1 By accessing the Ridge Publishing Group and using our sites, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your information as disclosed in our COMPREHENSIVE WEBSITE USE Policies. If you do not agree to these comprehensive website use policies, please do not use The Ridge Publishing Group’s sites. The Ridge Publishing Group reserves the right to occasionally make changes to its website use policies or practices. Your continued use of The Ridge Publishing Group’s sites following the posting of changes to these terms will mean that you accept these changes accordingly.



Our goal is to respect your privacy. To help us improve our website policies, please tell us what you think. If you have any questions or suggestions about these website policy statements, please contact us at [email protected].

Last updated 05 January 2024
© 2024 The Ridge Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved. Guardians of Biblical Truth, New Narrated Study Bible, Hoyle Theology Encyclopedia, Defending the Faith Documentaries, Education in Games Publishing Group,, Urban Chronicles Publishing House, The Manhattan Diaries, Manhattan Chronicles, AuthorsDoor Group, AuthorsDoor Leadership, Authors Red Door, Ethan Fox Books, KidsStagram, KidsStagramCLUB, Publisher and Her World, Jesus-Says, and all related characters and elements, names and related indicia are trademarks of and copyrights of The Ridge Publishing Group.

Manhattan Chronicles

L. A. Moeszinger


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